Meet Ground Eye - advanced IoT for ground handling
More smooth operations
Ground Eye will help you mitigating communication failures!
Less delays
Ground Eye will save your money and make passengers more satisfied!
Lower risk of accidents
Ground Eye will let you know where your equipment is and how it’s used!
Why Ground Eye?
Delayed flights, tiny time margins, problems with staff, broken or lost equipment, no optimization of work or even accidents – these are typical challenges faced by the handling industry.
Ground Eye can help you easy deal with these challenges!
- Damage tracking
- Planning of operations
- Equipment user authorization
- Real-time tracking of airports assets
- Statistics, maintenance & refubrishment
Ground Eye is an advanced system to track and manage assets at the airport
This innovative product can bring multiple benefits to the airports and passengers. Ground Eye does not require additional infrastructure. Complete tests were carried out in 2019 at the Gdańsk airport. Currently the system is ready to be used at any commercial airport.
How does it work?
Ground Eye uses several technologies, which only recently became available. With this system installed on your vehicles, you can locate, plan and manage your assets at the airport. The result is much smoother operations, reduced risk of accidents or missing equipment and much more satisfied employees and passengers!
Ground Eye is composed of:
- IOT devices with high positioning precision.
- Server side for statistics, visualisation and management operations – very usefull!
- Smooth and quick data integration from any other sources – you’re gonna love it!
- Possible mobile application system and data export to other systems.
Time to act – use IoT technology
To learn more about Ground Eye leave a message and one of our representatives will contact you!
Olivia Business Centre
80-309 Gdańsk
+48 502 173 888
Leave A Message
Blue Dot Solutions Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich pn. „GroundEye – platforma technologiczna do monitorowania elementów mobilnych infrastruktury naziemnej na lotniskach”. Celem projektu jest opracowanie kompleksowej platformy technologicznej do monitorowania elementów mobilnych infrastruktury naziemnej w portach lotniczych. Efektem projektu będzie opracowanie podzespołów elektroniczno-komunikacyjnych, zaprogramowanie warstwy sprzętowej oraz stworzenie podstawowego systemu zarządzającego i przedstawienie przetworzonych danych w formie oczekiwanej przez użytkownika końcowego. Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 806 585,36 zł. Wartość całkowita projektu: 1 246 014,90 zł.